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The running rigging of the Dragon boat is essential for adjusting the sails and improving performance while sailing. It includes the mainsheet, spinnaker halyard, and spinnaker sheet.

The ropes used must be strong and capable of bearing the load. Precise adjustment of the rigging is necessary to optimize the boat’s performance. This involves adjusting the tension of the ropes according to the wind force and the angle of the sail relative to the wind.

Quality equipment such as blocks, pulleys, and winches can facilitate adjustment and optimize navigation. In regattas, knowledge of the rigging and its optimal use are key elements to success.

A good running rigging, combined with an effective navigation strategy, can lead the Dragon boat to victory in competition.

If you are looking for ropes or equipment for the running rigging of your Dragon boat, rely on recognized brands for their quality and reliability.

Sailmaking specialists can also help you find the equipment that best suits your boat and your navigation program.