Sail foot / Ready-to-use Standard reefing line | Regatta

From: 31,55 

Ino-Rope’s choice:
Our Ino-Rope experts have selected a ready-to-use product for you, according to your navigation needs.

Our non-stretching Standard sail-foot or reefing line enables precise tuning. It is fitted with an eye splice and a messenger line ending for easy installation.


Sail foot / Standard read-to-use reefing line for Regatta

Our non-stretching standard sail-foot / reefing line enables precise tuning. It is fitted with an eye splice and a messenger line ending for easy installation.

The rope Diamètre øCharge de rupture (kg)Poids 5 mm1 250 kg19 g/m 6 mm2 300 kg28 g/m 8 mm3 750 kg41 g/m 10 mm6 900 kg69 g/m 12 mm9 000 kg99 g/m 14 mm12 400 kg121 g/m 16 mm15 580 kg150 g/m