Creep, elongation: should this be a source of worry ?

Creep, elongation: should this be a source of worry ?

Creep, elongation: should this be a source of worry ? When one speaks about Dyneema® rope creeping, what is it exactly? One often confuses elongation resulting from construction, elongation at break and creeping. What is pre-stretching on a rope? How elastic are the fibres? From which working load does creeping begin? Is it a constraint…

Which fibre for which application ?

Which fibre for which application ?

Which fibre for which application ? Which rope should be used for your ropes, halyards and mooring lines? Choosing the right fibre according to its use, guarantees your ropes’ performance, durability and reliability. Ino-Rope has established a comparison between different types of fibres to guide you with your choices. Comparative table of different fibres Polyester:…

Friction rings

Friction rings

Friction rings These last years, friction rings have taken over the decks of racing boats. Cost-effective, they have rapidly become commonplace in the world of leisure yachting. Weight-saving, resistance, performance: Ino-Rope compares their technical properties to those of blocks to help you to choose the best deck fitting parts. Weight, a weighty argument The main…